Player Roster
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Handle | H.I.™ |
Ausiello, Dan | 12.6 |
Bailey, David | 12.7 |
Baker, Kevin | 22.3 |
Barr, John | 18.2 |
Byun, Hee | 8.4 |
Chole, Michael | 9.2 |
Engelhorn, Jason | 16.0 |
Estrella, William | 10.4 |
Fitzsimmons, Tom | 15.1 |
Flores, Art | 13.1 |
Gregorio, Chris | 15.7 |
Guarienti, Maria | 12.6 |
Hanlon, Michael | 16.6 |
Hennessy, Shawn | 20.4 |
Juillerat, Donald | 21.1 |
Kelley, Tom | 18.8 |
Kelly, Phil | 9.6 |
Lippincott, Rick | 10.3 |
Loveless, Brian | 10.7 |
McKeany, Lyle | 5.9 |
Miller, James | 19.2 |
Miller, Larry | 18.0 |
Mulligan, Hal | 21.9 |
Murphy, Ryan | 11.0 |
Okeefe, Tim | 9.1 |
Pappas, Jon | 11.7 |
Powers, Michael | 16.7 |
Rock, Kanchana | 10.9 |
Rock, Michael | 12.2 |
Sadler, Mark | 22.4 |
Sadorra, Anthony | 11.6 |
Saltzman, Bill | 18.1 |
Shepperd, Rich | 19.2 |
Shield, Eric | 9.5 |
Silva, Jeff | 20.5 |
Silverlock, Dean | 7.9 |
Smith, Douglas | 20.0 |
Tajuddin, Ahmad | 18.4 |
Vancleave, Greg | 13.6 |
Wallahan, Jeff | 16.8 |
Ward, David | 8.4 |
Wong, Kenneth | 4.8 |